dinsdag 6 juli 2010

Tea Tree Wen Shampoo Review by Lilykane

My yes is as a leave in conditioner! I tried it in Tea Tree and when I apply it to my hair once it's dry it really helps.. It smooths things out and leaves my hair delightfully shiny! It works instantly and doesn't leave your hair heavy or greasy at all. A + as a leave in!!! The smell isn't my favorite..as tea tree kind of has that medicinal scent but it sure makes my hair look good! And the scent doesn't really linger which is nice. But as a wash/conditioner combo it just isn't enough for me. It felt great.. nice on the scalp and did leave my hair clean, but I felt it was a little too much work for not such an extreme result...Good stuff, but I'll keep it as a leave in and stick with my regular wash/condition routine.

Read the review by lilykane at http://megsmakeup.com

Want to try Wen shampoo products yourself, see what all the fuss is about? Head on over to http://wenhairproducts.info/ for the best deals.

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